I’ve walked on distant worlds and seen the end of time. “I have lived a thousand lives and I’ve loved a thousand loves.

Martin! Please, please, keep writing so that we can dive back into the Seven Kingdoms soon. So, whether you've got the entire A Song of Ice and Fire series memorized, or if you're just turning on Episode 1 of Game of Thrones, take a moment to celebrate the brains behind the books, the imagination that created it all, the man behind the pen. Plus, he has some sharp opinions on fantasy and writing that are fascinating to think about. You'll see in these quotes that he's deeply interested in what makes humans complex creatures. Outside of his fantasy writing, Martin is, in fact, a very fun, smart, articulate person who clearly cares a lot about the worlds he lives in, both real and imaginary.

From the awesome dragons to the sassy comebacks, it all started with a spark inside Martin's mind. After all, the guy did create the vibrant, massive world of Game of Thrones that we're all obsessed with. Foreword, Farewell Old Mr Stern Quotes 2 'The true poet knows life is laced with pain. My hope is that learning what horrors can result from prejudice and intolerance, we can cultivate a commitment to fight prejudice and intolerance. David : At least you fought for your child. 1 My hope is that learning about past evils will help us to avoid them in the future. Selene : It seems it's the curse of every parent to disappoint their child. But I no longer fear death, for I have known it once already. May You Live A Thousand Years Quotes & Sayings Showing search results for 'May You Live A Thousand Years' sorted by relevance. Martin, since it seems like it's taking eons for him to write The Winds of Winter. Selene : I have lived for a thousand years, and I may live a thousand more, or I may die tomorrow. It's popular and easy to hate on George R.R.